Achieve a globally recognized JCI golden seal approval through evidence-based practices in healthcare quality and patient safety.
Assess the baseline readiness for JCI on-site survey accreditation and come up with improvement action plans for the identified gaps.
Develop monitoring tools /scorecards for regular measuring and reporting the progress of JCI Standards compliance.
Educate and train the leadership and the staff on various levels using the unique tracer methodology.
Build the welling and commitment to continuous quality improvement, patient-centered care and quality excellence.
Quality Management Program
Develop, implement and manage a successful quality program complies within the national international standards to improve the quality of care and the patient safety.
Standardize the process of Measuring and monitoring KPIs covering development, definition, template, data collection, aggregation, analysis, validation and visualization.
Prioritize data driven opportunities covering high risk, high volume, problem-prone and high cost processes.
Achieve sustainable improvements in a systematic manner; using a standardize, and interdisciplinary approach
Develop well trained collaborative and committed champion teams to promote culture of quality and patient safety.
Patient Safety & Risk Management
Develop an integrated risk management and patient safety program through a systematic, coordinated and ongoing proactive approaches to link safety priorities into all relevant organization
processes, functions and services.
Establish a supportive, no blame and learning culture encouraging staff to anonymous report error through an appropriate channel including adverse events, near misses and good catches.
Streamline the incident reporting by set up systems for reporting, investigating, analysing, trending, tracking, communicating the feedback and the lessons learned.
Sustain a culture of patient safety as foundation built on a just culture using effective techniques and tools such as RCA, FMEA, AHRQ and peer reviews
Educate and train the leadership and the staff on various levels using the risk management and patient safety tools and techniques.
Documents Management & Control
Standardize documents management process through an effective and sustainable system.
Develop, implement, maintain, up to date, standard driven and best practice policies, procedures,plans, program and any other documents that strengthen the delivery of high-quality patient care
Establish mechanisms for tracking, review, approval, authorization and communication.